General Frequently Asked Questions

What is rent-geared-to-income housing?

Rent-Geared-to-Income is rent that you pay based on your household gross monthly income.

What is Gross Monthly Income?

Gross Monthly Income is your income before taxes. 

When is rent due

Rent is due on or before the 1st of every month.

Who do I talk to if my rent is late?

If you have not received a legal notice, contact your Tenant Services Coordinator. If you have received a legal notice, contact the Legal Services Coordinator listed on that notice

Why is my rent higher than my neighbours?

LMCH provides rent-geared-to-income (RGI) housing. Each tenant's rent is calculated based on their earnings. If you are on ODSP, OW, or OSAP, your rent is a fixed rate.

Why is my rent at market/max?

Rent can be charged at market/max if your income has increased or if your subsidy has been removed due to outstanding Annual Review documentation, income verification or unauthorized occupants within your unit.  

I have been paying market/max rent for over 2 years. How do I get my subsidy back?

Market rent tenants must re-apply for their subsidy through the Housing Access Centre (HAC).

When is my rent going up?

Your rent may have gone up due to an increase in income. The 2021 rent freeze has ended, so if your rent was supposed to increase in 2021, it will now go up. As well, if you did not hand in your Annual Review, you are subject to losing your subsidy. 

My income has changed. How do I report this?

If a tenant’s income changes, they have 30 days to report this to their Tenant Services Coordinator. Tenants can be back-charged rent (misrepresentation of income) if they do not report income changes on time.

How can I pay my rent?

You can pay your rent in person at our office with Cash, Debit, or Cheque. We do not accept credit cards. You can also set up a pre-authorized debit from your bank account. You will need to get a pre-authorized debit form from your bank with the banking information of the account you would like to use and then give it to our office. You can also set up automatic bill payments with your bank by giving them your Tenant Code, which acts as your account number. Contact our office for more information. 

Click here to download the Online Payments document

How do I load my laundry card?

Your laundry card can be refilled at any Sparkle machine. We have one located in our main office that accepts cash only. All apartment buildings have machines that only accept debit or credit.

How do I report an issue?

LMCH staff are here to help. If you need to file a complaint about a social issue, you can contact your Community Relations Worker (CRW). If you would like to file a general complaint, you can fill out a Tenant Report Form, submit a complaint on our website, or email care [at] (care[at]lmch[dot]ca)

Do I need tenant insurance?

Tenants are required to get tenant insurance. This will help cover any damages to personal property and to protect tenants in the event of liability issues. Insurance is very important as it can protect you and your family in the event of fire, flood, or theft. HSC Tenant Insurance Program offers low-cost insurance and can even be covered through the Ontario Disability Program (ODSP) and Ontario Works (OW). Please contact your caseworker for more information.

Do I have to pay utilities?

Tenants living on a Family site are responsible for their own Hydro. Tenants who live in Apartment buildings have a $30.00 utility charge calculated onto their monthly calculation.

How do I apply?

Visit the Housing Access Centre (HAC) webpage

All applications must be completed and handed into the Housing Access Centre (HAC). London & Middlesex Community Housing does not process any housing applications. 

Housing Access Centre:
355 Wellington St. Suite 248 (second floor)
hac [at] (hac[at]london[dot]ca) 

What if I need to change my housing application?

If any of your personal information has changed such as your address, phone number, selection of properties, or number of household members, you must contact the Housing Access Centre (HAC). Failure to do so may result in the disqualification of your application. 

Where am I on the waitlist? 

Information about your “place” or “number on the waitlist" is not available. Where you stand relative to other applicants can vary from day to day, depending on your status, the status of incoming applications, your bedroom size requirement, and vacancies that may or may not come up in the buildings you have chosen. Where you are on the waitlist is not a question we can answer. The most important things you can do for yourself include: making sure that the Housing Access Centre has your most up-to-date contact information; making sure that you have chosen as many buildings as you can; making sure that you respond to any contact made by LMCH or the Housing Access Centre. It is important to ensure that your application is active and that you fill out the yearly update form. 

What if I am a past tenant and I owe arrears? 

If you owe any money for arrears, including money for damages, you need to make arrangements to repay it back to the Housing Provider. You must have a signed repayment agreement in place before you can reapply for housing. 

Where can I find emergency housing? 

Emergency shelters provide emergency housing. You can find a list of emergency shelters here

Have the locks been changed before I move in? 

Prior to moving in, each unit has had a new set of locks installed at all entry doors. 

Can I have a Pet? 

You may have a pet but you are responsible for its behaviour. You must follow the City of London Pet Bylaws found here 

I have no hot water. What now? 

Your water heater is rented through Reliance. You can call them at 1-888-837-1451. If you are living in a townhome and experiencing no hot water, please call Enercare at 1-855-642-8607 and tell them that you are a tenant of London & Middlesex Community Housing. If you are not in a townhome style unit and you are in one of our other units you can call maintenance if you experience no hot water. 

Can I get a lock change? 

Yes. Lock changes can be requested and have a fee of $25.00 per lock change. Lock changes include replacing a unit key. If you need a lock change or a key/fob replacement, please contact our Property Services Team here or call 519-434-2765 dial 1,and then 1 again during normal business hours 

If you experience a break-in, or your keys were stolen, you can provide LMCH with a police occurrence number to be refunded for the cost of any replacements or lock changes needed.  

How much is a key replacement? 

If you need a lock change or a key/fob replacement, please contact our Property Services Team here or call 519-434-2765 dial 1,and then 1 again during normal business hours. 

Please be aware that a lock change fee or key replacement fee may be applied.  

Mailbox Keys: $10.00
Unit door Keys: $10.00
Kent St. Unit door Keys: $12.00
Fobs: $15.00
Lock Changes: $25.00
Remote (accessible entry) Replacement: $65.00 

How long do I have to wait for Maintenance? 

Maintenance requests are completed as quickly as possible and are prioritized accordingly. 

I think I have pests (bedbugs, cockroaches, etc). What do I do now? 

It is important that tenants understand they are not alone in this process and play a critical role in effective pest management. Pests can move very quickly from one place to another, so it is very important to report pests immediately. Contact the LMCH Maintenance department as soon as you notice any pests. You will NOT be evicted for reporting a pest issue. 

What if I have a Maintenance Emergency after hours? 

LMCH provides After Hours Emergency Maintenance 24/7/365.
Outside of regular business hours tenants can contact LMCH by calling 519-434-2765 and pressing 3 for Emergency Maintenance. If your emergency requires Police, Fire or Ambulance phone 9-1-1. 

Do I have to pay for Pest Control? 

The arrangement and costs for Pest Control are the responsibility of the landlord. Preparations for treatment are the responsibility of the tenant. If all measures are followed as outlined in the preparation documents then there should be no charge for this to the tenant. Tenants can be billed for the refusal of treatment.

Click here to view the Pest Control page 

Can I paint my home? 

Painting is allowed as outlined in the lease agreement under “Alterations,” however, all surfaces painted need to be returned back to the neutral tone that was provided upon move-in. If this is not done upon move-out the costs associated with re-painting will be the responsibility of the leaseholder. 

Can I install my own security cameras? 

Tenants of London and Middlesex Community Housing may install a personal home surveillance system if it does not impede or damage any LMCH property or assets. The tenant must contact a Property Services Manager for review and approval of the requested area of installation prior to the installation of any hardware. 

Tenant systems shall not record audio or be a Pan, Tilt, Zoom (PTZ) camera. Tenant cameras shall only be placed in such a way that only their property is visible and shall not view common areas. External cameras shall not view parking lots and cannot be directed to look through windows leading into any building.

While conducting unit inspections, tenants may be directed to show LMCH management, or designate, the view of their camera view(s) to ensure compliance with legislation and LMCH policy.

Can I control the heat?  

Family Units: Each unit has its own individual heating systems and controls operated through Union Gas 

Apartment Units: Most of our units have a central heating system that operates as per season guidelines outlined in the City of London’s Vital Services By-Law.  

What if I lost my keys? 

During LMCH Office hours call the maintenance line at 519-434-2765 (ext *1, then press 1 again) to arrange replacement. If lost after hours you can contact the After-Hours Emergency line by calling 519-434-2765 and pressing 3 for Emergency Maintenance.  

What is a Maintenance Emergency? 

Anything concerning life safety equipment including smoke detectors, other alarm equipment, electrical issues, anything that may lead to a leak or cause significant damage to the building or equipment, elevator entrapment, loss of heat, or other utilities. 

Why were my locks changed? 

Locks to a unit are only changed by maintenance when the tenant moves out or if the tenant passes away. Tenants are not permitted to add their own locks for safety reasons and will be removed. In the case of eviction or abandonment, the locks are changed following legal processes. 

How do I add someone to my lease? 

Contact your Tenant Services Coordinator to discuss a Joint Tenancy Application. 

 Is parking assigned at my building? 

No. We do not assign parking spaces to tenants. Parking is on a first-come, first-serve basis. 

Do I need to buy appliances? 

If you are moving into a townhouse or semi-detached Family Property, you will need to purchase your own appliances and will be responsible for any repairs associated with those appliances.