The LMCH Board of Directors met on February 20, 2025, to review important updates and make key decisions affecting our organization. Below is a summary of the major topics discussed.
CEO Update
- LMCH is assessing the impact of U.S. tariffs on Canadian goods, which could affect procurement costs for building materials and supplies. Efforts are underway to identify risks and find alternative solutions to mitigate potential delays and cost increases.
- Landlord Tenant Board Challenges: LMCH continues to work towards fair and supportive eviction prevention policies. Steps are being taken to standardize internal policies, collaborate with community agencies, and monitor rulings that may impact operations.
Policy Updates
- Smoke-Free Policy: LMCH is transitioning to a smoke-free environment. All new tenants will not be permitted to smoke in their units or balconies. All new buildings will be smoke-free, and current tenants in existing LMCH properties will be grandfathered to allow smoking in their units. Medical exemptions are allowed for Indigenous cultural use and prescribed cannabis.
- Mandatory Tenant Insurance: All new tenants will be required to have a minimum $1 million liability coverage as part of our lease agreements.
- The Tenant Code of Conduct is being reviewed and updated in late 2025.
Operational Updates
Capital Projects:
- Several important capital projects were reviewed and approved, including chimney repairs, laundry room relocations, and upgrades to key LMCH properties.
Property Services:
- 345 Sylvan rent-up continued in Q4. By the end of the year, 38 of 42 units were occupied, and full occupancy is expected by March 2025.
- In December, all LMCH high-rise buildings received new commercial laundry equipment. All laundry rooms were cleaned, painted and improved during the process.
IT & Communications:
- The corporate telephone system upgrade was successfully implemented, improving communication with tenants and external stakeholders.
- The Tenant Handbook is nearing completion and expected to be delivered to tenants in Q1. This handbook will provide clearer guidelines for successful living at LMCH properties. Tenants will also be able to find the same information on our website.
Human Resources:
- A Health and Safety Specialist was hired to strengthen occupational safety efforts.
- Crisis Prevention Institute (CPI) training (non-violent crisis intervention) has started for all staff.
Community Safety:
- Service hours were extended starting in January (8:30 AM—8:00 PM, Monday to Friday).
- CCTV improvements are underway, including better access for managers and on-call staff and a pilot project for enhanced security cameras.
Tenant Services:
- The Board received updated Housing Division Notices (HDNs) provided by the City of London, which included the Arrears Policy and Selection of RGI Households.
- In Q4, several Tenant Engagement Initiatives took place, including Tenant Talks, National Housing Week, Free Holiday Meals, and Health and Wellness programs.
Finance & Asset Renewal Updates
- The 2024 year-end audit is underway with KPMG, and the audit fieldwork is scheduled for April, with results expected in May.
- The Asset Management Plan (AMP) is nearing completion. This plan will help guide investment decisions and ensure LMCH assets remain in good condition over the next several years.
- The Reimagine Southdale project remains on track, with construction progressing and contingency funds available to manage unexpected costs.
- Reimagine Southdale Phase 2: A key milestone of Phase 2 included relocating 22 households, with many staying within Southdale and others moving to other LMCH family locations.
- The Board approved funding for two projects: Laundry Room Updates for Albert St and the removal of chimneys at the Allan Rush Family property.
What’s Next?
- LMCH continues to streamline internal processes, including procurement and financial reporting, to improve efficiency and service delivery.
- Future meetings will provide more updates on tariff risks, the eviction prevention strategy, and Southdale progress.
Click here to download the full February 20, 2025 board package.