Welcome to our new website! Have a look around. We made some changes to make finding the answers you need easier!
Our New Website:
- Is more tenant focused with access to corporate information at the bottom of the page.
- Made it easier to find the information you are looking for. We created organized tabs, organizing the information you are looking for into sections; Your Community, Your Safety, Maintenance, FAQ's, and Contact Us.
- We added a news and events section on the homepage that will be used for sharing updates. This will not replace our emails to tenants. The news and events section will allow us to share updates and events with everyone.
- We included information for tenants on community safety, tenant guide, community contacts, FAQ’S, contact us, how do you apply? Submitting a maintenance request, and much more!
We wanted to make it easier for our tenants to find essential information. Our previous website included nowhere for tenants to ask questions and submit concerns. We now have a "Contact Us" tab at the top, and a section for tenants to submit maintenance request. We also included a button to this on the homepage, making it easily accessible for our tenants.